Famotidine Vs Cimetidine. Famotidine 10 mgCalcium Carbonate 800 mgMagnesium Hydroxide 165 mg Tablets. It belongs to a class of drugs called H2 histamine-2 blockers that also includes ranitidine nizatidine and famotidine Histamine is a naturally-occurring chemical that stimulates cells in the stomach parietal cells to produce acid.
Tagamet cimetidine and Pepcid famotidine are histamine receptor antagonists used to treat and prevent certain types of ulcer to treat conditions that cause the stomach to produce too much acid and to treat gastroesophageal reflux disease GERD. Cimetidine is a drug that blocks the production of acid by acid-producing cells in the stomach and can be administered orally IM or IV. And H2 histamine receptor antagonists such as famotidine Pepcid and cimetidine Tagamet.
It begins working within an hour.
CIMETIDINE is a type of antihistamine that blocks the release of stomach acid. Acyclovir allopurinol cimetidine peginterferon alpha-2a piperine zileuton. Such as cimetidine ranitidine or nizatidine. Tagamet cimetidine and Pepcid famotidine are histamine receptor antagonists used to treat and prevent certain types of ulcer to treat conditions that cause the stomach to produce too much acid and to treat gastroesophageal reflux disease GERD.